
About us and Landjäger

History of the Landjäger

Landjäger - The sausage

Landjäger is the name given to portioned, reddened raw sausages. It is thought to have originated in the Alemannic cultural area. The name is said to go back to the comparison with Landjäger sausages.

According to the Swiss Idiotikon, the word Landjäger is perhaps derived from the dialectal "lang tige(n)", which means "long smoked" or "long air-dried". The joking reinterpretation may have been inspired by the fact that the stiff appearance of the sausage was compared to the military stiffness of a man in uniform.


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Landjäger - The "policeman

The Landjäger has existed under this name since the 19th century.

In parts of the German-speaking world at the end of the 18th century, the term Landjäger was used to describe special police officers who kept order in rural areas. Whether the name of the sausage is an ironic allusion to the red skirts and officer-like stiffness of the Landjäger remains a matter of speculation, however.

The square shape of the Landjäger was already common at the time.

The Atlas of Folklore shows that the Landjäger tended to be an eastern Swiss sausage specialty that slowly spread westwards. In the 1930s, the Atlas documentarians describe how the Swiss-German Gendarmes was also becoming increasingly popular in French-speaking Switzerland.

Landjäger the policeman

Landjäger - Textiles

These polo shirts, hoodies and T-shirts decorated with the Swiss cross and Swissness together form a line of high-quality materials and appealing design. The result is products that combine classic and modern elements.

The Landjä team under the leadership of Mario Lang (center)

Each individual item is marked with the Swiss cross, the "Edelschweiz", as a symbol of identity. It also stands for Switzerland's neutrality and independence. A new trend has been born that will delight the young and the young at heart and is an eye-catcher for both the Swiss and tourists.

Mario Lang, the founder of the new fashion label, originally comes from the world of helicopter flying. The Swiss colors red and white are also an integral part of aviation; we are reminded of Swiss, Rega and not least the Patrouille Suisse, to whom we dedicated a shirt. Seen in this light, the leap is not as big as you might initially think.

About Landjä
The development and management of the new label is headed by experienced entrepreneur Mario Lang in Wohlenschwil AG, while Brigitte and René Lang are responsible for distribution from the warehouse in St. Erhard, Lucerne. 

About Mario Lang 
In 2007, Aargau entrepreneur Mario Lang founded the leading Swiss company Helikopterflug.chwith helicopter flight brokerage as its core business. After obtaining his own helicopter pilot's license in 2003 and working in marketing for 10 years before that, he combined his two passions. The company offers a wide range of services in the aviation sector.

Mario Lang operates internationally in the entire German-speaking region through the sales channels and The company currently has 10 employees. His entrepreneurial experience is now also helping to lead the new Landjäger division to success.


Sales, warehouse, distribution & returns:
Brigitte Lang
Oberwiberg 6
6212 St. Erhard
041 925 60 80

Office/Marketing (by appointment only):
Mario Lang
Main street 11
5512 Wohlenschwil
079 382 31 52

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