
🌿 Plant a tree

Tree plants

We have already planted over 100,000 trees, here you can find our forest

"Everyone 🌿 tree counts", which is why we plant a tree for EVERY product purchased. Together with our customers, we are making a small but important contribution to the environment and therefore to the future of our children.

Trees are the basis for a healthy ecosystem and an important component of a balanced environment. We have therefore made it part of our philosophy to make a contribution here and to provide our customers with inspiration.

How does that work? With every product purchased from us (including free Landjäger), we have a tree planted by our partner organization Tree Nation. The contributions are reserved directly with the partner with every purchase and are automatically paid by us. 

Would you have known? Almost all the oxygen in the air is produced by plants through photosynthesis. The oxygen that the plant does not need is released into its environment. A mature beech tree, for example, produces about as much oxygen in one hour as 50 people need to breathe in the same time.

We face up to our social responsibility. The term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) describes the voluntary contribution of business to sustainable development that goes beyond the legal requirements. CSR stands for responsible corporate behavior in the actual business activity (market), from ecologically relevant aspects (environment) to relationships with employees.

Although Landjä is a profit-oriented start-up company, it takes on the opportunities of CSR and thus allows humanity to participate. With every purchase you help to ensure that we both Swiss Mountain Aid and nature.
True to our motto: Every purchase counts.

Our partner Tree-Nation, was founded in 2006 and has planted approximately 26 million trees to date (December 2022). Although Tree Nation is registered as a Belgian non-profit organization, half of the team is based in Barcelona, Spain, while the rest is spread across Europe: Belgium, the Netherlands and the UK.

Click here for our profile

Tree Nation Page

By the way, our website is climate neutral


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